Goby in QT


New Member
I have had my new Orange spotted shrimp goby in my qt for about 4 weeks now. Everything looks good and I hope to move him into my 90gl reef in another week or so. My question is, how can I tell if he has ick or any other disease? I have had other fish in my qt before but they have all had bright colors, this one is white with orange specs. He eats great and acts fine, although he is a little timid, but that is to be expected. So since I cannot see anything and he is acting ok should I assume everything is good to go?


Active Member
Yep, thats all you can do. QTing fish mainly lets them rebuild up there immune systems by being in a stress free tank for enough time and to see if they do have a diseases. 6 weeks is proper amount of time. Hopefully you dont have fish in the DT that will bother the goby like large wrasses ect. and they do jump sometimes so good luck.


Active Member
The liklihood of your goby having ich is slim.Gobies posess a heavy slime coat that protects them. I would say after 4 weeks if he looks good then go for it.


I agree. Goby's are little tanks, almost armored against parasites. When I got a real bad ich problem in my reef, the goby was the only fish that never got it. I'd say he's ready to transfer!