Goffy Behavior


New Member
I am new at this hobby so this may be a normal behavior for fish. I have a Domino Damsel that seems to have an attraction to my Dwarf Lion. The Domino sits on top of the Lion. He seems to like the Lions fins to rub on him. The Lion doesn't seem to mind. I've been getting a big laugh out of watching the 2 of them. Can anyone shed light on this goffy behavior? <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


I would not worry about it if they are not hurting each other. But give it time and that damsil will end up being a snack to the lion unless the damsel is very large.


New Member
Thank you for for the reply UnderSea. I wouldn't mind if the Domino ended up as a snack. He chases the other Damsel's I have. It looks like you have an established tank or 2. I'm looking forward to adding to my fish family.
5 Damsel's
1 3 stripe
1 Blue
1 Domino
1 I'm not sure what? Pinkyellow
1 Percula Clown
1 Dwarf Lion (Voltian) Sp?


My yellow tang seems to like to get as close as possible to my lionfishes' spines every so often. I don't know if it's a "this is my tank, and I will go wherever I want to" kind of thing, or maybe a "look ma, look at me!" sorta thing, or maybe the fish is just stupid! ;)
I am waiting for the day when she gets TOO close and gets stung. I keep hoping that she will tire of this game......
BTW, a volitan lionfish is not a dwarf lion, they can get to be 16" in length. If what you have is really a volitan, you won't have to worry about any of those damsels!! Are you sure that's what you have? Some of the common dwarfs for sale are the zebra (sometimes just referred to as dwarf), fuzzy, fu manchu.