Going Away


I am going away tommorow morning(friday) until sunday night late or monday morning. I got a wardleys weekend feeder thing, says its good for tropical fish, guy said it was fine for salt water fish too though package says wont disolve well in high alkanity water. Anyone use these? Will it work?


umm hermit crabs, 2 firefish,2 coral catfish,2 clown fish,emerald crab,algae blenny and a jawfish oh and some little tiny cleaner goby


Active Member
For that short of time I would let them be and not worry. If you feed them just before you leave they should be fine. I have read articles that say up to a week can be done with no harm (assuming you don't have big hungry fish). When I went away last month from Friday to Monday night I fed Thursday nite had someone feed Sat and that was it till Monday (but I have some very nasty Puffs that won't go to long without food and not start eyeing their tankmates.