going fast


New Member
about six weeks ago my FO 55gal tank was finished cycling with damsels and one of the white/black stripe damsels started swimming against the powerhead current, as if he was trying to get a workout. the next day, i found him swimming in very tight circles. i pulled him out because i didn't want whatever he had to get to the other damsels. i waited a couple weeks and the rest looked fine.
i added a coral beauty, cleaner wrasse, and a couple of snails over the last 3 weeks. two snails died right off and the third, a red foot seems to be doing ok. this morning i awoke to find one of the remaining original damsels swimming against the current like the other. i worried about it but was on my way to work. i got home late tonight and the wrasse was upside down on the gravel, jerking. the coral beauty is acting nervous and three of the damsels are swimming against the current and looking rather pail. I pulled the cleaner wrasse to keep him from suffering. i have seen the coral beauty scrape against rocks a couple of times over the last 2 days. what is it? are they all toast?
btw, i just did a 20% water change 3 days ago and tested the water for nitrates/nitrites/ph/salinity. they all tested ok. <img src="confused.gif" border="0">


Staff member
Give us all of your water readings. Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, pH, specific gravity, temperature.
Also, are the fish eating? Take a very good look at fish body and see if you see anything unusual then report back.