going from fish to reef


New Member
i'm in the process from going to an all fish tank to a reef type setup....i have never ventured off in to the reef world and starting to learn new stuff. what can you guys recomend? i will have new lighting set up for my 75 gallon tank. as the tank sits now i have lot of live rock covering the back wall about 3 fishies, 2 star fish, and some turbo snails. i will be purchasing a whole new clan up crew for my tank in the next couple of days. this tank has been up and running for almost 6months now. do i need to add any special additives or do anything important? i know there are a lot of varibles in keping a reef tank......but i just need a lil direction to point me in the right way. thanks:D


New Member
new light setup to be able to keep softies clams corals ect.
has anyone run the setup that NATUREEF offers where you don't have to do any water changes and maintain a safe water stability? anymore suggestions from you reef guys?? thanks:D


is your lighting NO (normal output, ie, what comes with a tank), VHO, (very high output) PC (power compact), Metal Halide, or T5? how deep is your tank? how many watts of light total do you have?


New Member
i will be going with Metal Halide lighting for my standard 75 gallon tank.....any more good suggestions to start with?


"waterchanges? what are thoes"
Agreed, I haven't done a water change in over 2 1/2 years. I just chem when needed.


New Member
hiROCK what setup are you running? anything special in particular? what kind of chemicals are you using for you science project?


94 Gallon corner, all base rock, 250 wt MH & 2- 40 wt 03's, a sump w/ calcium carbonate rock in place of the bio-balls, Sedra return pump (model 2000?)
Chems: B-Ionic for the Calc and Alk, my own Mag. supplement (epsom salts) Kent stronium, PH buffer and Moly. IO for salt. A chemi-pure bag and a phosphate removal element. Carbon once in a blue moon (if needed)
Simple and easy... (K.I.S.S. Method)
This is my second "science project" as you call it. I say second because I upgraded tanks alittle over 5 months ago, and felt like starting again from new. If your asking, yes I did fill my new system with all the "aged" water from the previous system. I've saved boat loads of $$$ in conjunction with water changes. I use to do it (water changes) many moons ago, but never again. I just replace what is spent and exported.
Good Luck


What you should try to do is work with your calcium and alk levels. These are important to a reef tank. You should buy a a test kit for both calcium and alk. I used C- Balance a two part additive to work on these levels. When you reach the desired levels, you should consider dripping kalkwasser (limewater). I drip it 24X7 and it keeps my levels constant. I do a water change once a month and feed the tank live phytophankton (DT's)...Thats it. You do not need to add any other additives if you do regular water changes. Some people add iodine/strontium, but if you are not testing for it, dont add it. Regular water changes keep these levels right. Good luck to you!


New Member
wow great info guys i bet this will help others too as much as it has me....kep the suggestion going and thanks a bunch:D