Going From FreshWater to SaltWater Tank


New Member
I currently have a 55 Gal Freshwater tank and will be getting a used 80 Gal Saltwater tank next week. I am learning all I can and have a few questions:
1) This tank comes with a Domino Damsel, Blue Damsel, and two Saddleback Clown Loches. Any ideas on the best method to keep them while I reset this aquarium back up. I was planning on getting 5 gallon bucket of the current water and putting them in there with air/etc. until its resetup (I figure I would put the damsels in the next day to start the cycle process again). What to do with the clowns though???
2) Protein Skimmers. Any thoughts on this. This tank currently has undergravel filter system with two powerheads,but would a protein skimmer be good.
3) When would you add a "clean up crew" into this tank?
4) When would you start adding new fish, live rock, etc.???
Thanks for you time!!! :)


Well-Known Member
I presume you are getting the entire system and that it is running when you pick everything up.
1) Save as much of the current setup as you can. Water, substrait, filters all have bacteria. Then set it up where you want it and re add everything. Start it running and don't feed the fish for about 3 days. During that time check parameters and if nitrItes are high continue not feeding until the nitrItes come down. If you get through that then things should be ok.
2). I don't use protien skimmers. The cost of a skimmer to me is better spent on setting up a refugium or adding plant life or improved lighting. But then again you may already have that all set up.
3). Clean up crew should be added when you have a nice carpet of algae for them to eat.
4). Wait at least a couple of weeks for things to settle down. I also recommend you set up a hospital tank to keep the new fish or live rock in for at least three weeks before adding them to the display. If you keep the live rock by itself this will allow any fish born parasites (ICH) to die off before adding it to your display.
I also recommend that you establish plant life as soon as possible. In saltwater there are macro algaes as well as marine plants. These will balance out and stabilize your system as well as consume phosphates, ammonia, nitrates and carbon dioxide.


Are you going to be putting any live rock in at any point? It is a good biological filter and a great companion to protien skimmer. It also looks really cool. If this is the case then put the fish in some smaller tank until it cycles or take them back to the fish store for credit. If you are using live rock then go ahead and get most of what you want to put in there since every time you add a signifigant amount it will recycle. I would not use damsels to cycle as the have a good shot of dying. You could seed the sand with a few pounds of live sand for pretty cheap to throw it into a cycle.
As for the skimmer, I have heard great things about the Aqua C Remora or you could use two CPR BakPaks. If you have a sump, the I can only reccommend a EuroReef. They are simply the best skimmers on the market. I just don't know what you are looking to spend here.
Add a clean up crew after the cycle is done.(i.e Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate have all spiked and returned to zero). Add your first fish about two weeks after the clean up. Don't add very much live rock after you have fish. It will cycle due to the die off and cause bad water conditions.
If I missed anything or steered him wrong, please anyone feel free to correct me.
Hope this helps,


Active Member
If the LR, etc., is from the same tank, ich (unless the fish all ready have it) should not be a factor. You are simply relocating the tank with all current occupants.
(Oh...BTW...Loaches are freshwater...You have two saddleback clownfish. ;) )
Don't be too hasty here though. What kind of substrate is in the tank now? Crushed Coral? Sand? (I am assuming perhaps CC because of the UGF). You may want to switch to Live Sand if it is CC. Now would be a perfect time, before you establish the tank.
You can re-establish the tank with those fish, however, personally, I would try to get your LFS to babysit them while you establish the tank. If your tank goes into a cycle, the high nitrites can seriously injure or kill the fish.
I think protein skimmers are a great addition to a tank. I would definitely get rid of the UGF. The combination of Live Rock, Live Sand, a protein skimmer and a refugium is all the filtration you should need.
I would not add anything (fish, etc.) until you are sure the tank has cycled, if it is going to at all. Then a cleanup crew, then the fish.


New Member
Thanks for all the great info...Loches....Okay I am mixing my freshwater up!! I told you I was new. :) Thanks for the correction. The substrate is Crushed Coral (from what I remember seeing of the tank). It has a good (I think too much) algae on it now, but maybe I should just leave it alone and bring in the cleanup crew. I have researched the sand, but I really don't want to pay 100.00 or more. Is there somewhere i can get a smaller amount like 10 lbs to put in on top of the crushed coral (or is that bad??).
I agree with buzz.. ace the UGF for sure. and get a protien skimmer.
and don't take delivery of the fish until the tank has cycled!
you are probibly spending alot of money here so don't ask them, tell them that is what you want.
I just went from fresh to salt a few months ago.
Trust in the consensus of this board.


Well-Known Member
if $100.00 is too much for sand you could use play sand from lowes or home depot. And even use a small amount of live sand on top of that. If you reuse The CC i recommend you put it on top of any sand added.


New Member
I got the tank...I have cleaned it up...I went ahead and bought 25 lbs of live sand...Hopefully it will be here tomorrow. I will be putting the sand in then crushed coral (came with tank), then I will put in several non-living corals, etc. that came with the tank...I have cleaned all of them and made sure they are completely washed of any bleach. I also purchased a Aqua C Remora Pro (with MAG 3) and should have it in a couple of days. I wll fill and add salt and cycle...Once I have done this I will add the 2 clowns and 2 damsels...Once that is done I plan on adding a clean up crew and then in about 2 months add some new fish...So I have a few more questions:
1) Cycling the tank, I have read that putting in 2 (non-cooked) shrimp from your local store is a good way to get the cycle to go faster. Any opinions?
2) Once I have everything going (cycled, added fish, etc.) What type of fish would you add to a 80 Gal tank?
3) How long would you wait till you started adding live rock/corals...Also I have one light about 48 " long...WHat would be a good light to allow corals to live!!! :)
Thanks for all your help...I figure this will take me 6 to 8 months to get it close to want I see in my head. ;-)


New Member
Forgot to add:
The fish had to come with me...No place for them to stay once they sold me the tank (its used from a non-store).
Anyways...I created a little miniature tank from a 5 gal bucket...It has a heater, small filter system (from a 20 gal tank), and an aerator. The water is from the tank they were in before we removed them to bring the tank to my house. They seem to be doing great!!!


I highly recommend you ditch the CC why you can. You will want to soon, and now will be much easier. To deter cost look at getting playsand and seeding with live sand. The problem with CC is it traps particles and can/will cause a nitrate spike. It is also detrimental to sand sifting creatures and can limit you ability to keep some creatures.


New Member
Good idea....I will do this!! Thanks for the info!! Keep the ideas coming for this "greenhorn"!!!