going from salt to freshwater


New Member
JI have a 180 gallon saltwater set up with nothing in it but salt. If I empty half of it and fill it back up with freshwater will that be too much salt for freshwater fish. Because I heard some salt is good for freshwater fish(ciclids).


Active Member
Use the search button at the top of the page, 007 has written a great article on setting up and cycling a tank. Also,while tank is cycling, research and buy some books on sw. Start off the right way and you won't regret a minute(and dollar) of it!


Active Member
Do you know how much salt is in the tank right now? If not, I would just empty the tank, and then refill it with freshwater. You're right, some fw fish like salt, but not that much.
But I too would recommend researching before you do anything. Not all fish like salt in their tank, so before you put anything in your tank, decide what type of fish tank you are interested in setting up and then learn about that type of tank. It's the best way to go, not only for the fish's life, but for your wallet too.