Going on Holiday


Hello all,
Before I start buying salt water equipment I was just wondering a question or two
I plan on having a 90Gal tank, with approx 45lbs of live rock and 60lbs of non live rock. With a live substrate about 1.5 to 2" deep.
Once the tank is established and stocked (maybe a year from now) what do you do about going on holiday?
Can the livestock (fish and cleaning crew) survive at all without being fed by someone?
If so how long?
If so do you feed them a little extra a few days before to help them over the non feeding period?
Also, what about the protein skimmer? I see that you have to clean out the 'foam cup' everyday, if on holiday and there is no one to help me while im away how would you get around this problem?
Can the tank survive for a length of time with out the skimmer running?
If so how long?
If not can you buy larger 'foam collecting cups' so that they can handle maybe 7 days worth of foam collection?
Many thanks


Active Member
Depends on how long you're gone. Personally I wouldn't go more than a week without someone at least checking in on the tank. Tank and fish should be fine for at least a few days.


probably about 5 days for fish, just ask someone or get an auto feeder for fish, but coral can last a long time just on lights, make sure you have automatic lighting.


Active Member
I think the most important item for your tank, if you don't have someone to look after it for you, is topping off the water level. A lot of people have ATO (auto top off) devices that will keep your tank at the proper level while you are away. As for feeding, while I don't recommend this for anyone, you should be fine not feeding your fish, etc, for a few days. I have not fed my 3 damsels for a couple of months now, and they are doing fine-good weight and energy levels. I only feed my corals and that's about once a week.
Still, I really don't like leaving my tank unattended for even a day or two.


yeah you would need to make an auto top off devise for sure, or have someone top off for you( but if you do emphasize on making sure they use the right water)
Train someone before you go. As for the skimmer, get one with an drain hole and hook up a flexible piece of tubing, run the tubing into some kind of large pan. Some people use old bottles but if I were you I'd use a five gallon bucket so if you get alot of scum it will hold it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by privatejoker
Train someone before you go. As for the skimmer, get one with an drain hole and hook up a flexible piece of tubing, run the tubing into some kind of large pan. Some people use old bottles but if I were you I'd use a five gallon bucket so if you get alot of scum it will hold it.
the trouble with this is if something crazy happens in the tank while you are away, and the skimmer starts going nuts and overflows, it will run the tank empty, or alteast until the sump is empty. i would use a larger container, but in the event that that overflows, it runs right back into the tank.
i'd rather have a dirty tank, than an empty tank.


Originally Posted by Mr_X
the trouble with this is if something crazy happens in the tank while you are away, and the skimmer starts going nuts and overflows, it will run the tank empty, or alteast until the sump is empty. i would use a larger container, but in the event that that overflows, it runs right back into the tank.
i'd rather have a dirty tank, than an empty tank.
it wont hurt to not have a skimmer for a few days, many people run without a skimmer


turn the skimmer off, it will be ok. i'm sure u can find someone to check on ur tank while ur away. if not- you have a year, time to turn on the people skills, make a new friend, and put them in training.


Active Member
shutting it off would solve the overflowing issue for sure, but i'd leave it run. and make it so it can't do like i said above anyway. even if you are at work and this happens, you won't know for hours. i've seen a guy lose his whole tank due to this exact mishap. 10 grand in livestock.


Active Member
i recently went camping for three days..i just fed the tank right before i left and right when i got back..i also turned off my skimmer..tank was still lookn good when i got back..this is when freezed dried flakes(i use formula 1 and 2) comes in handy..easiest thing u can train someone who knows nothin about salt tanks to feed...