Going on Vacation...leaving my tank


Is there anything special I should do. Currently, I only have fish and lr. I'm getting a timer for the lights, and an electric feeder. Any other suggestions, and do you think I'll *have* to have someone come in while I'm gone for 10 days? Is there an alternative to the electric fish feeders? I only have 2 clowns in a 55. This is the first time I've ever left it, and I'm nervous.


Active Member
Get someone to come over daily to add top off water to the tank. As far as food goes you could have them feed every other day leave small amount out for the feed days and hide the food.


Active Member
Top offs are essential, and I also put the proper amount of food in a weekly pill sorter. I've never had any problems other than being worried to death while I was away.


Oh great...now I have to have a fish sitter. I REALLY don't want my parents in my house while I'm away...they might find *something*. LOL. All my friends are going out of town. What to do...What to do



Originally posted by ntvflgirl
I REALLY don't want my parents in my house while I'm away...they might find *something*. LOL.

LOL I second that. I never have them come over to take care of my tanks.


parents are naturally curious creatures........
top off water doesn't have to be added daily. You can go two or three days on the water issue. Saves someone rumaging through your drawers on a daily basis. ha.....

sinner's girl

Honestly, with just two clowns i wouldn't worry about it. we've left ours before with no problems.
You can set up a drip system (see diy board) to add top off water if you are worry about that. I'd just make sure the water was full before leaving


Active Member
Rory, I think you'd be fine doing nothing. Limit any lighting you have and that will reduce evaporation and feed good the day before you leave. They'll be fine when you get back.
I think more animals die from overfeeding than underfeeding all the time.
Good Luck and enjoy your vacation. Staying south of I-10?;)


if your going on vacation you are probally going to want to bring your *something* with you, will make for a better vacation and you dont have to worry about them finding it!


hehe well I cant take EVERYTHING with me. Suitcase not big enough.


So you're saying that in a 55, with only about 20 pounds of lr, 50 lbs of ls, that has been setup for 4 months, I don't have to worry about feeding my fish for 10 days? Really?!! Also, my tanks is about 2 feet from a window. Do I need a timer for the lights? I don't have anything growing except corraline algae, which I would like to continue.
Jumpfrog...headed up to Yankee Country...lol. Going to La Fayette (pronounced laFAYette...I'm not kidding)Ga. to see my husband's family. Saw a good bumpersticker today by the way. But it was for southern people, so I won't post it here. Be up there for 10 days. I'll have beach withdrawal.:eek:
jbeck...I'm not really sure what my something is...but now that I look at the way I posted that...I AM SO EMBARRASSED!!!! LOL. My mother is very nosey, and so is my Aunt. Not sure what to do about that...hmmm....but really, I don't even have a *something*...really...I don't....:eek: