Going to add corals... advice needed...


I just set up a JBJ 12 Gallon Nano Cube Deluxe a few weeks ago. The tank is fully cycled, and in a couple of weeks, I'm going to add corals.
First, however, I need a little help.
I'm going to add green mushrooms, yellow polyps, and a few zoo frags. Are the appropriate corals for a beginner? I've had experience with FOWLR tanks, but I've never had coral.
I was planning on adding a ocellaris clown and a cleaner shrimp to the tank. It's currently inhabited by two snails. Is this too much of a bioload with the corals?
And finally, what are some good supplements? My LFS recommended Kent Coral Vite and Coral Accel. I currently dose with Kent Iodine and do weekly water changes with a calcium-supplemented reef salt.
Thanks for any help!


Active Member
Originally Posted by CodeRed
I just set up a JBJ 12 Gallon Nano Cube Deluxe a few weeks ago. The tank is fully cycled, and in a couple of weeks, I'm going to add corals.
First, however, I need a little help.
I'm going to add green mushrooms, yellow polyps, and a few zoo frags. Are the appropriate corals for a beginner? I've had experience with FOWLR tanks, but I've never had coral.
I was planning on adding a ocellaris clown and a cleaner shrimp to the tank. It's currently inhabited by two snails. Is this too much of a bioload with the corals?
And finally, what are some good supplements? My LFS recommended Kent Coral Vite and Coral Accel. I currently dose with Kent Iodine and do weekly water changes with a calcium-supplemented reef salt.
Thanks for any help!
what kind of lighting does it have? yes those corals are good for begginers, corals and other inverts add almost NO bio load so it would be fine, im not sure about the suppliments , ive never used anything and my reef is doin FINE


Thanks for the advice. The 12 gallon deluxe comes with 96 watts of PC lighting. I understand this is good enough for most soft corals.


Active Member
Yes, that sounds fine. Make sure you keep up with water changes on such a small tank! I can't stress enough how vital water changes are to such a small tank, but be careful with them make sure everything is mixed well and the salinity and ph don't change much. As for corals, your choices sound fine and all should do well, but most softies get too big and multiply rather quickly. So choose your corals wisely.

all deligh

New Member
Originally Posted by CodeRed
Any advice on the supplements?
I never used Kent, most people I talk to dont like them. Why? I don't know. I personally use Reef Pure.


Active Member
Alot of people don't use supplements except for calc and Alk and thats only when they have alot of corals, but most of the nutrients are replaced if you keep up on water changes.


Originally Posted by CodeRed
I currently dose with Kent Iodine
Thanks for any help!
PLEASE stop dosing this, take it from me, i made the mistake dosing iodine and wiped out almost all my inverts. too much iodine is toxic to inverts! regular water changes should give you all the iodine you need for the inverts and for your crabs and shrimp to molt properly.


New Member
Can what is consider normal water changes for a 12 gallon nano? 1 gallon every week?
Thanks for the answers.


Active Member
I change out a gallon a week in my 10 gallon. Everything has been great for about 4 months now. I have added over the course of the past 4 months...
2 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Emerald Crab
8 various hermits
8 various snails
1 Neon Goby
1 Twinspot Goby
ricordia mushrooms
blue/striped/bullseye shrooms
torch coral
green star polyps
button polyps
I feed the tank about 10 drops of Coral Reef Success by RedSea, and I noticed a boom in the pod population after I started adding that.
I also use a two-part Calcium/Alkalinity buffer, specifically for Nano-reefs. The Star Polyps are slowly growing over onto the rock I glued them to. I am supplimenting that with Purple-Up for accelerated Corralline growth as well.
I try not to check the water quality levels unless I see something obviously wrong. I used to check 2 or 3 times a week. I also used to lose a lot of fish. I'm a bit compulsive and the excessive testing was just making me freak out and jump the gun and that in turn just stressed my tank out more.