Going to Cabo San Lucas


For our 6th yr wedding ann. we are going to Cabo. I was wondering if any of you have been there and what can you tell me about it. I plan on doing some fishing there and wife wants to scubba dive. How big is i there and is it a friendly place to go? I hear alot of scarey stories but still willing to go. Any info of where to go and what to do there would be nice. We are going to be staying at the golf resort and I heard that it is by the airport.


AHHHHH Cabo...... Love that place. If you are going fishing tey and use Pisces charter. They have great boats and an all inclusive package that is great. Go diving at Pelican Rock.... There are sandfalls there that look like waterfalls and are so cool!!! I dont know much about the resorts, we rent a house, which may be cheaper for you. You may want to look into it. The one thing I have to say is that, as is with ALL places in Mexico, you SHOULD NOT go our of the tourest areas. It is not know for its safety or its police.


While my wife and I were at Los Vegas we decided to but one of there time shares down there. So staying at the resort is only costing us $149 a week. Cannt beat those prices. I'll check out the charter you mention and my wife told me something about the sandfalls. I dont like being underwater but my wife does so I'll do the fishing while she does the scubba thing.


Takia, How much was it for you to go fishing down there? Can you haggle with them to lower their prices since it is in mexico right? I found a few web sites but they are asking about $500 to rent the boat for 8 hrs and can hold up to 4 people. But a friend of our is going to and we were thinking that him and I could go fishing while his wife and mine went scubba diving. I just dont wanna spend $250 for an 8 hrs trip. I was thinking more of $75- $100 a person. What you guys think?


Active Member
Places to go:
The nowhere bar for ladies night (I know you said its you anniversary, but on ladies night, women drink for free)
Senor Frogs is a great time but you gotta go late
Lover's beach is cool, but not great. (DO NOT swim on the pacific side at lovers beach! I can't stress this enough)
To be honest, the diving there was lack luster. I'd save my money and do something else. The Fishing is great though. I can't recommend a particular charter, but what I did was go to the docks early before they left and looked for a boat that was partially full and asked if i could join. I got to go for a full day for $150!
The office is pretty cool (little bar on the beach)
Also when you get there (if you are a beer drinker) go to the corona brewery on the first day you get there, buy a case. You can get trade the empties in for full beers for about $5.
There's another place that I am blanking out on the name of, but its a restuarant where basically, it costs $9.99 and you can choose your meal. I got steak and lobster tail served with veggies, potato, etc. Sounds shady I know, but honestly the food was excellent and the wine selection was outstanding. It was very busy so make reservations though.
Also, if you have the time, grin and bear it through a time share presentation (they usually provide breakfast and booze). They usually offer a promo at the end. My fiance and I got a free whale watching trip, and dinner for two at a great little resturant.
I loved Cabo when I was there. Been a few years though. We stayed at the Marina Fiesta resort. At least thats what I think it was called.