Going to do this tomorrow


i want to get a BTA and a false perc anemone together. If i want them to host in my tank what are the steps i should do when i bring them home(anything to insure it happens)?


Active Member
There are no guarantees that the clown will take to the BTA. False percs are almost always sold as tank raised fish, so they don't have the instinct to seek out the safety of an anemone.
A trick that's worked successfully for a few folks around here has been to tape a picture of a clownfish swimming in an anemone to the tank to convice the clown in the tank that that is their natural behavior.


Hi Hidden,
My percs are tank raised--and they're still very young...but when I added a bubble tip anemone in there--they didn't take to it instantly...but eventually they did become curious and started to host it.
I don't know, but I just assumed it's more instinctive than it is conditional. Both my percs did that...even when I introduced a 2nd anemone--my submissive fish couldn't host in the single anemone because the dominant one would scare him away. But when the 2nd one came in, they both had their respective anemones...slept in it at night and frolicked in the afternoon. My percs weren't as clingy...they leave the anemones during the day and play in the rocks...they only go to the anemones at night to sleep.


Someone else can chime in but I've also heard of people putting the anenome and the fish in the same bucket while acclimating then stick them in the tank together. I did not do that and my tank raised did not want anything to do with the anenome for a few months, then one day bingo, just TRY and get them out now! Patience!:happyfish