Originally Posted by renogaw
oh, i wish i could, but they've already scheduled the flights. its going to be amazing just leaving the country! (i've only been to a hotel room over night in toronto...so i don't really consider that as going abroad)
Europeans are very proud of their country / continent and they would understand your desire to see more. Explain to your vendor you would like to extend your stay for a few days or week (vacation days / expenses on your dime of course) is there anyway to rebook the tickets. Even if its just the $100 change fee, I would pay it and visit more of Germany or go to neighboring Holland (see post above) France, or Brussels and in that order IMO.
What is amazing about Europe is the age of their buildings...here we think an old building was built in 1880 or 1900, there old churches and museums are circa 1400. Plus you get into those churches (and I am not religous) and you see the craftmanship with the tools being used 600 years ago it will drop your jaw.
I'll state it again too, the trains are awesome and widely used, frequent departures, and safe for the most part. The train stations do have a lot of pick pockets so be careful there.