going to make a fuge...questions about it please help

ok so i am going to try to make a 55 gallon fuge...now i can't drill my tank because it's all ready set up and full of water...so i have an overflow box instead and i will have that lead to the right side of my fuge...
now the part that confuses me...what order should i have my individual compartments in...
i was thinking from right to left...the water coming in with mud, cheato, and some live rock, than 1 baffle from bottom to top of the tank stoping at 2" from the top.
the second compartment would be the aquac urchin protein skimmer(if anyone knows a better one please tell me, it's for a 90 gallon reef tank). than three baffles one from bottom to mid tank the second from top of tank down to about 1" from bottom and the 3rd from bottom of tank to mid tank.
and the last compartment would be my return pump...
if this is a bad set up please tell me how i could fix it

al mc

Active Member
It would be best, if possible to have the skimmer Before the 'fuge' part as your skimmer will remove some of the microalgae/pods, etc. that you are attempting to grow. Personally I would put the skimmer in the 'right' compartment where the water drains into, put the 'fuge' in the middle and the return in the 'left'.
Also, you may have a 'muddy mess' if the drain water comes into the miracle mud compartment as you have designed with a lot of force. Another reason for the 'fuge' in the middle section.
i will change my plans now. i never thought about the muddy mess. thank you.
also i am looking at in sump protein skimmers now and i have gotten it down to a couple choices but what one would you guys buy?
the choices are
ASM G-1X In Sump Protein Skimmer rated for 150
ASM G-2 G2 Reef Aquarium Protein Skimmer 200 gal
Fission Recirculating Protein Skimmer 150 Current USA
i heard the asms are really good but i just want to be sure before i buy anything like this...if none of these are good please what would you suggest for an in sump skimmer?
remember my tank is a 90 gallon and my fuge will be 40-50 gallons

al mc

Active Member
IMHO it is always best to try to buy a skimmer that is rated to skim 1.5-2x your total water volume. The ASMs are good skimmers and I have used, and continue to use, several models. I would go for a G2 or G3, the G1 is too small IMO. I have not used the Octopus brand but they are rated well by many people on this forum whose opinions I trust. I do not think you would regret purchasing either of those brands.

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by Airforceman
i thought it was in my honest opinion lol
I prefer 'humble' as it indicates that we are not all knowing and can all learn from each other. Personally, I believe that all opinions should be honest. Just MHO.