Going to pull my hair out!!!


I am trying to find the best kind of live rock I can to start my tank. I am willing to spend the money being of importance and beauty. Now here is my dilema...I got a ***** for a lfs and a internet with 100's of pages saying that the rock the sell is the best and everybody elses sucks. I would have to look at the post again to tell you who posted it, but they had some kick ass rock, but they got it from thier lfs<

imagine that, I cant see ***** havin that!!!
So can anybody with some good expierence refer me to a sight that they had good expierence with? By the way I have a 55gal and 10gal sump/fuge I would like to put some rubble rock in the sump/fuge. Also is marshall island rock worth the price and if so where would be good for that? Eventually I would like to upgrade size of tank in a couple years after I get my feet wet I want to try corals, etc
Thanks everybody


i started with fiji live rock from live aquaria to me it a good rock to start out with not too expensive it is a good rock to cycle your tank with. i see you are from illinois old stomping grounds there are some good fish stores out there.


Do you know any in the vacinity of bloomington, would probally save on shipping if I bought from a place around here...if there is


i have some here if you wish to call. living sea aquarium 847-698-7258. barrier reef 773- 788-7333. pet paradise 630-960-0333. north shore aquatics 847-433-3990. advanced aquatics 847-882-5747 you can go check them out and see if they can tell you where you can get some good live rock from ill.


Active Member
Going to Pet Paradise today. I'll check their LR supply. You might try Neptunes in Shorewood. Its off I55 after you cross Rt 80 - first exit.


I got some fiji rock from this site. Its a good new tank rock, the stuff grows with your tank,when bougt in quantity its a bit less expensive than LFS. looks great!



Originally posted by JULIUS
i have some here if you wish to call. living sea aquarium 847-698-7258.

That's where I got my LR (Bali) from. It's the most colorful rock I have ever seen with red, purple, pink, and green coraline. It's very porous making it light an much cheaper. I'm finding more and more hitchhikers every day. At $3.99/lb you can't beat it. :p


thanks everbody for your replies. I just want to make a good purchase because I am planning on getting it all at once and we all know what that means......"KAA-CHINNG!!!!!!" but anyway I am going to look around for some lfs within a hour or something from where I live, in case you are wondering I live in the middle of corn fields:rolleyes:
I am really stuck on some of the pictures of mar. island rock, now lets see if I can get the same in my tank.
I am getting so excited about getting this project kicked off. I was all excited when I got my plumbing all done.
Thanks everbody once again