going to try hypo... a couple questions


yeah, i got the last of the fish caught soon after i posted, and got the LR back in right after, im sure it should be fine, only out of water for like an hour at most, i have continued taking out sand and there is such a little amount left that i cant imagine it being a problem. i work a double shift tomorrow (11am-11pm) so i will start hypo monday morning.


I am glad you finally got all of the fish out! It sounds like it was quite an ordeal. Let us know how your hypo progresses and if you have any questions. Thank you for the kind comments. I am happy to help anytime


well, if it was going to happen, i guess as early as possible is the best time for it to happen... my tang has died

he was the last fish i was able to catch and i had to take out well over half of my rocks, each rock that i took out resulted in him freaking out and wedging himself under the next rock, which i would then take out, he freaks out again and so on... he was very stressed from all of it. by the time i got him out and into the QT he was breathing incredibly fast, and laying on his side on the bottom of the tank. i know this can be normal behavior for tangs so i was hopeful that he would be fine this morning, but he died.
i checked all water parameters and they match the DT (which is good) exactly, so it wasnt the water... ahhhhh!
moving on..... my four chromis and the clown are looking good, eating good and behaving normally, i do have one question though. the tang was the only fish that had any ich spots on it. the others all look good; normal. do i still need to go through the hypo process? my thinking goes like this: all ich in DT will die in time because of no fish to attach to, all ich in QT will die because no sand/rock to live on... i may be missing something here but since the tang was the only fish to actually have the parasite, do i still need to lower the salinity or will the ich die in time? i hope i dont sound like im looking for an easy out, i will do hypo if that is what is needed, i just wonder if it is necessary at this point.


Unfortunately you will still need to perform hypo. The tang was in the qt, ich could have dropped off of him, they were all exposed to ich in the DT as well. It isn't worth the risk, especially after all of that time and stress of moving everyone. I am very sorry that your tang died. Treat the fish, qt all new fish, and be done with ich once and for all.


Active Member
even if during hypo , the fish never get ich, and it only lasts a total of a month, wait 2 more weeks at normal DT conditions before switching them back over to the DT so the ick there has starved out as well.