going to try hypo... a couple questions


ok here we go... i checked my order status on swf.com and it says it will be here tomorrow. wednesdays are my busiest days of the week, on campus for class from 10-5, practice from 7-10, so i will not start hypo tomorrow, i plan on starting the process thursday. here is my schedule as i see it. please let me know how it looks and feel free to suggest any changes to it that i need to make.
1. IF my refractometer is here before i leave for class at 9:30 (which it could be), i will check the salinity of my DT and my QT and if they match, transfer fish in the morning
2. if refractometer is not here in the morning, come home on my break in class from 12-2, and do that then... this is probably the better option since it may take awhile to get the fish from the DT to the QT.
my schedule looks like this: only one class from 12:30 to 1:45 (however, being that my teacher is less intelligent than most of us in the class, and also he posts his notes online, and doesnt call role, i may just skip this class so i can spend more time at home lowering salinity, because as i understand it, the 48 hours that you lower the salinity is the most important time of the whole process, correct me if wrong.) actually, yes, i have just decided that i will not attend that class, so the only things i have to do thursday are attend a meeting for a school related organization that i am in, from 4:30-5:30, and work from 6-10
friday: no class no work... can spend all day working on QT.
sorry for the long post, thanks to all that have made it to this point. as it looks, if i start lowering the salinity thursday morning, i can wrap it up saturday morning with only being away from the tank from 4:30-10 on thursday night, and possibly a couple hours if i go out friday night. i am planning on mixing some salt water tomorrow, so that it will be ready for me to start putting in to the QT to lower the sal. here is one question, do i take out QT water and replace it with plain fresh water, or do i use salt water with lower salinity, like just under 1.009?


also, should i aim to bring the salinity down at a constant rate? assuming my specific gravity is 1.026 (isnt that what it should be?) and i need to bring it down to 1.009 (right?)... i did the math and broke it up into 4 hour periods... to bring it down at a constant rate, i would need to lower it by just under .0015 every 4 hours. should i aim for this? also, im assuming im just going to have to do a guess and check method of figuring out how much water will lower the SG a certain amount, but does anyone have any suggestions on how much QT water to replace with new water every hour to achieve this? i have given it some thought and im guessing that i am just going to start by taking out a cup every hour and replacing it with new water, and seeing how that goes. it almost seems to me that one cup an hour might not be enough, but on the same hand it would be better to start off too slow than too fast (is that correct? ***this is probably an important question***), keep in mind i am using a 10 gallon.


i apologize for my long posts my rambling thought processes, just a little anxious and ready to get this going, and want to do it right.


Originally Posted by d_mcnugent
also, should i aim to bring the salinity down at a constant rate? assuming my specific gravity is 1.026 (isnt that what it should be?) and i need to bring it down to 1.009 (right?)... i did the math and broke it up into 4 hour periods... to bring it down at a constant rate, i would need to lower it by just under .0015 every 4 hours. should i aim for this? also, im assuming im just going to have to do a guess and check method of figuring out how much water will lower the SG a certain amount, but does anyone have any suggestions on how much QT water to replace with new water every hour to achieve this? i have given it some thought and im guessing that i am just going to start by taking out a cup every hour and replacing it with new water, and seeing how that goes. it almost seems to me that one cup an hour might not be enough, but on the same hand it would be better to start off too slow than too fast (is that correct? ***this is probably an important question***), keep in mind i am using a 10 gallon.
Your plans look excellent. Make sure the drop is gradual (smaller water changes instead of large) You will have to guestimate how much water to use. Most people just use fresh water to lower the SG. Be sure to check the ph of the source water and make sure it matches the tank's. Monitor the tank pH closely as well. Sometimes it drops. Have some buffer on hand just in case. By doing this a little at a time you can catch problems before they are large problems. You seem like you have a pretty good handle on how to do this safely for your fish. Good luck and keep us posted


just got home from class, got my package in the mail, refractometer and all, going to test ph's and SG's, then im gonna go fishin' wish me luck!


Originally Posted by d_mcnugent
oh my god catching fish is HARD! any advice? i need all the help i can get...
Yes, it is hard. What are you using to catch them with?


a net, and i have caught NONE of them... zero down, 6 to go... very frustrated and not sure what to do, good idea on swooping up on them, ill give that a try, this sucks


Originally Posted by d_mcnugent
a net, and i have caught NONE of them... zero down, 6 to go... very frustrated and not sure what to do, good idea on swooping up on them, ill give that a try, this sucks
You do have to be sneaky. If the fish see the net they will swim away. A large net is usually easiest because they are less likely to see it comming until you already have them in the middle of it. You also have to be patient. It is very hard to get them with the rock in there. Good luck!!!


thanks, my plans to start hypo might just be pushed back a while, my fish have just shown me whats the deal is... im working on their clock, not the other way around...
question - this ich has been here for a little bit now (probably before even i know of)... if this keeps up and im not able to get these fish out as soon as i thought, is this going to have long term effects on the fish? as far as i can tell(see), the tang is the only fish that actually has ich on it, the others do not, so he/she is the one i am mainly worried about... all of this makes me go


Originally Posted by d_mcnugent
thanks, my plans to start hypo might just be pushed back a while, my fish have just shown me whats the deal is... im working on their clock, not the other way around...
question - this ich has been here for a little bit now (probably before even i know of)... if this keeps up and im not able to get these fish out as soon as i thought, is this going to have long term effects on the fish? as far as i can tell(see), the tang is the only fish that actually has ich on it, the others do not, so he/she is the one i am mainly worried about... all of this makes me go

Well, you do want to get them out ASAP. Don't get yourself crazy though. Have they eaten tonight? You will have to work around there schedule. If all else fails by tommorow night, you may have to consider moving some of that rock. I know you don't want to, but you may end up needing to.


yes... that inconvenient thought has leaked into the back of my troubled mind in the past couple hours... yes i have fed them tonight, i fed them the first time i tried to catch them, then after they freaked out, i left them alone to calm down, fed them tonight, tried again... failed again...


hey sep... i have just been skimming through some other threads, and also re-read all of this one... you have helped me so much, and you seem to give great advice all the time and always chime in with help, i hope you know how much i appreciate this, and i am pretty sure i speak for many others when i say thank you very much. this is a tough hobby (i am learning the hard way) and i appreciate your help so much. this goes for others also... lion, you have been great. thanks to all.
tired from a seedless day of fishing... goodnight.


just ripped my tank up, half of the rocks are out, layed out on a towel... i have caught 4 of 6 fish, will have the other two out soon... question: is it a problem for my LR to be sitting out on a towel? will it all die and cause my water to re-cycle?


also, i had some sand in my qt, but since adding fish, i have been removing the sand, for reasons of hypo... question: i have not been able to get 100% of the sand out, is this a problem? i have gotten just about all of it, there is a very small amount left in the tank... very small, is this a problem?


Active Member
you are ok with small amounts of sand, just work on getting it out when you can.
LR is ok short term out of water, but ideally you should have moist towel or paper towel over it to reduce die off.