Gold banded clown


I heard that the gold band clown is the most agressive of the clownfish. Is this true? The reason I ask is that I have a sixline that has killled a back/white and false percula due to stress. Total of 5 clowns have been killed. I love the way they look and want something that can hold its own. Will a gold line be a good choice?


Active Member
I know it may be a hard desision to make but because the 6 line now has a taste for blood so to speak, even the GSM might not work. Should remove the 6 line. However, because the Maroon is/can be very mean then may not be able to add much after it. This is an intresting hobby.

keith burn

Active Member
all fish look at the tank as my tank.
imo remove 6 line
but if you will get gbm take alot of l/r out of tank
the fish will say new tank not my tank.

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by Reef Diver
Dont even remove the rock, just move it around, however you should take the sixline out, jmo

that will work better.