Gold coral banded skrimp.


I just purchased a new coral banded shrimp. He molted 3 hours after acclimation and placement into tank. I was planning on getting 6 peppermints, 6 camelback, and a few skunks. I've heard the cbs may or may not attack/eat other shrimps? I don't like to see my critters die because I didn't do my homework.


Originally Posted by Pumper
I just purchased a new coral banded shrimp. He molted 3 hours after acclimation and placement into tank. I was planning on getting 6 peppermints, 6 camelback, and a few skunks. I've heard the cbs may or may not attack/eat other shrimps? I don't like to see my critters die because I didn't do my homework.
I have two coral banded shrimp in my tank along with peppermints. The CBS used to go after the peps but they just moved to the other side of the tank and now everyone is fine. Although I have heard of cases going not so well. Right now my CBS is more fixated on catching and killing my damsel.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Just word of coution about the camel shrimp. They eat alot od diff. corals unless you are putting them in a fish only tank. I had them in my reef and when they started on me zenia's, I gave them to freind with fish only. I would stick with the permint they look simular to camel and less agressive to corals. I have them in my reef never touched the corals.


Wow, I don't need anything else eating crabs or snails, my pixi hawk now lives in my sump for eating snails/crabs. No worries though, he will be in my 40 gallon as soon as I tie in the pipe work to my sump intake and return pump.


Active Member
my coral banded never did anything to any other shrimp. those camelback shrimp, however, ate whatever coral they wanted.


I think I will definitely only be adding a dozen or so pep shrimp then. So camels will do will in a fowlr tank I suppose?


I had a Coral Banded and gave him to another person cause him and a fish kept getting into it. I also had a pair of pepperment before him and when he was added everyone was fine together for a while. When I went to give him away the start this week I noticed one peppermint was gone and I know he went missing between Sunday and Monday cause he was there Saturday! I guess the coral banded decided to have dinner cause I can't find my other one for anything
ugly little things they are yet cute in there own way to I actually liked them!