Gold Maroon will not eat!!!!!!! Help!!!!!


:needhelp: Added a Gold strip maroon clown that is approx 3 inches about 2 weeks ago (06/18). In a tank with juvi passer angle, banded goby, yellow tail damsel, 2 cleaner shrimp and 2 turbo snails. The angle was not nice for a couple of days but all settled down without any damage to speak of, now my clown has made her home in back corner of tank and refuses to eat. No signs of ICK or disease, looks healthy for not eating. She will come out when she see's me, but then goes back to her corner. All other fish eating and happy :happyfish
Just tested water:
Ammonia 0
Nitrite .10
Nitrate 10
Temp 79
Salinity 1.23
I believe that nitrites and nitrates are up from over feeding this week in trying to get this clown to eat something. Have saltwater mixing to do water change in the morning.
I have tried: frozen mysis shrimp, mega marine, angle marine, Flake food and chopped up dried krill soaked in Garlic. She is not interested in any of them.
Any suggestions? I am wondering if the angle is just too much for her, should I find her a new home before she starves to death?
Please help any suggestions would be appreciated.


Active Member
does the angel still chase the maroon clown around??
if so thats probably the main reason its scared to come out and join in with eating since the other fish might be more agressive towards her...
if there was any way to check id try to feed the maroon in a seperate environment away from the other fish.... if it eats then its probably affraid .... if it still doesnt eat it just might still be gettting use to your tank or it could be sick.... but you say you see no signs of sickness so id rule it out....
if you cant get it to eat then i might take it back...
fish can be mean i had to get rid of a huge domino damsil i had cuz he just became too much he wouold harrass any new fish in the tank i finally got rid of him when i got a new hippo tang and he almost killed him had him all chased in the corners for days...
good luck with her!!!


when I was given a 3" GSM clown, she would eat for like a week. FInally someone told me they like live brine...when I mixed the brine with flakes and starting eating everything I put live brine is worth a try!


Thanks Murph and Bret for the reply's. I will try some brine today. I ordered her off the web because my LFS did not have a clown big enough to stand up to angle IMO. If she does not eat will take to LFS store to see if they can save her. :scared:


Active Member
good luck!!!
just give it some more time as long as you think the fish still looks healthy then she might be ok to keep tryin for a while maybe she'll get used to your angel after a while


Murph, My angle has not really bothered her for awhile, but who knows what is going on while I am at work plus she has her cubby hole to protect her which she is staying in all the time. Anyway she comes out to see me but just will not eat. I did try frozen brine shrimp and that was not of any interests to her. I am going to go to saltwater fish store now and buy some live brine shrimp, maybe that will the thing. Guess as long as she looks OK I will see what happens. It just upsets me so, for this beautiful fish to not eat. :confused:
I did buy a 12 gallon tank today to use just in case I need to remove her. But then I am not sure about the cycling part. If I use a bag of store bought live sand and some live rock from my main tank, do you think this tank will be ready to add a fish this weekend. If she is stressed now will it stress her more moving to another tank? I am new at this and just not sure of what to do! :help:


Murph and Bret :jumping: My clown finally ate some live brine shrimp! She is swimming out a little more from behind the rocks, believe all this was due to angle being an a--. Hopefully they are getting use to each other now and I can relax. :joy: