Gold stripe Maroon and LTA


My gold stripe maroon for some reason keeps pushing my LTA under rocks or behind them away from the light. Any ideas as to why it might be doing that?
75g tank with overflow
4x54 T5's
110lbs of lr
80lbs of ls
Prizm skimmer
Nitrates at zero
Ammonia at zero
ph 8.4
salt 1.024
2 bar gobies
1 gold stripe maroon
1 yellow wrasse
1 filament wrasse
1 cleaner shrimp
2 pepermint shrimp
1 coral beauty


Active Member
how big is your LTA? Clowns can be aggressive towards their nem sometimes (tough love) but if the anemone isnt big enough to handle the stresses of the clown, it will get 'bothered to death'.... literally, it will die. Maroons are pretty aggressive to begin with, but I would also look to see if it has something to do with just the nem. It may have nothing to do with the maroon, the nem may be sick.
How long have you had the duo? what are their sizes?


The clown is about 3.5 inches, and the nem is about 4-4.5 inches across. They have been in the tank for over 2 months. It took the clown about a month for it to start hosting it.


Active Member
so the clown has been hosting it for over a month and it just now started to do this? you know you only have like 2 watts per gallon on that light too. I would look into more of the long term effect of the anemone being unhappy than just blaming the clownfish.
plus if the nem is only an inch bigger than the fish that basically means the clown takes up the whole anemone. It might be too much stress.