Gold Stripe Maroon hosting....


Active Member
today my bf called me at work and said that our gold stripe maroon was trying to host out big candy cane coral and our maxima clam. i didnt believe it until i came home and saw the same thing! has anyone ever had this happen to them before? i dont know y hes choosing these two things when theres a big frogspawn, hammer, and pulsating xenia? :notsure: i guess he like what he likes?



You got it right, they like what they like. My sabea hosts a plate instead of a LTA. Just his mood I guess.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mcsd22
You got it right, they like what they like. My sabea hosts a plate instead of a LTA. Just his mood I guess.
i dont understand that fish...the candy cane doesnt even have anything resembling tenticles except its feeder tenticles...i know one thing, he better stay away from the clam or hes gonna get the boot! i was thinkin about buying him a ritteri but, dont want to waste the money if he prefers the candy cane!! o and heres a pic of the candy cane w/ 40+ heads that keep splitting!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by zanoshanox
Very nice looking coral. Haha, confused clowns. :hilarious
thank you for the comment, and the best thing about it is, it was FREE!!! And yes, i guess he is confused...therapy lol


Active Member
you wanna hear somethign CRAZY? if you think thats bad my gold stripe maroon clown host a ROCK! yes a rock that has a overhang over it and he fits int heir perfect, when i add new fish he will attack them for 2 days when they go by his "rock" its bizzare!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by zanoshanox
You got the candy cane for free?? Awesome, hwo big was it when you got it?
Yes we got it free, from the big auction site. The shipping got messed up, it survived 2 days in the mail! And our money was refunded and a zoo frag was added along w/ this huge coral!! we got it almost as big as it is now, but recently some heads have been splitting in two and three different heads!! its about 5"x6". Alot of our corals are full colonies.


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
you wanna hear somethign CRAZY? if you think thats bad my gold stripe maroon clown host a ROCK! yes a rock that has a overhang over it and he fits int heir perfect, when i add new fish he will attack them for 2 days when they go by his "rock" its bizzare!!!!
WOW!!...ok i feel better now lmao
I guess i dont have the only clown that needs some therapy!!



Our clowns won't host...they hang out at the top of the tank all of the time...we have pink tip anemones and are trying to figure out what they would like???? any ideas???


Active Member
Originally Posted by CaptNeil
Our clowns won't host...they hang out at the top of the tank all of the time...we have pink tip anemones and are trying to figure out what they would like???? any ideas???
some clowns just won't host. Idk y but post your question in the clownfish and anenome forum they will prolly be able to help you more then i can