Golden Dwarf Moray?


Has anyone owned a golden dwarf moray? If so I would love some pics. I have been researching possible eels for a 55G and was wondering if this would be a suitable substitute for a SFE (which appears to be the only eel I could fit) The dwarf would share the tank with 1-2 other fish and that is it so overstocking shouldn't be an issue. Thanks for the help


Ive never kept one, but I know a few people who have and they dont seem to do very well with aggressive fish. Peaceful tankmates only making them very good reef candidates. So it depends on what those 2 other fish you want are. The golden would be ideal if you want clowns, chromis, pygmy angel, etc. If your wanting larger, more aggressive fish, the snowflake would most likely be a better choice.


Thanks a lot Jon I was actually considering pairing it with a fuzzy dwarf lion which is a pretty passive lionfish (from what I've read) so maybe it is a possibility if not I will stick with a SFE. I just really like the look of the golden. Have the ones you've seen been pretty comparable in size to a SFE. I've never seen one in person so I have to go off of what I've read about them. Thanks again


They are quite small (pencil thickness) from what Ive seen. I could definitely see a large lion swallowing one, but youd probably be safe with fuzzies Id think.