Golden head very thin, curved spine



Look I have had this fish for a few months. He eats well, yet continues to stay very thin. Has developed a curved spine, one side of his lips sag down, just wierd looking. I have been looking I am afraid of TB he is other wise normal looking in color.
He started this when I got him, loosing weight that is, then over time he became so thin you can see his bones, the curved came later on. Then the sag on one side of mouth I noticed today. Here are the pics of him.
All other fish in tank are fine
All water and levels are right where they need to be and have been stable for quite sometime on this 1 1/2 year old tank. I am nevers about the TB thing since reading it. Could this be something else.



Active Member
I saw these fish last week when I was at the store and really wanted one, but in Marine Fishes by Scott Michael he says they have a dismal survival rate and he didn't really say why so I didn't get one. It could be that they are just not meant for captive environments. What have you been feeding him and is he still eating? He does looke pretty skinny, I hope someone else can offer some helpful advice I don't know much else about these fish.


Active Member
i got one of them, i've had it about 4 months now, i don't know why they would be considered difficult to keep...tobin


Active Member
Yeah, I'm definitely not speaking from experience, that's just what I read so I decided against buying one...


Active Member
Well before this post i had never heard of it. but after reading the first googled article for fish Tb, I'd say it's likely. Is there anything else that does this to a fish?


Hate to bring this up, but if its eating and still getting thin, wouldn't it be internal parasites?


I have no clue, he eats and well, mysis is all he will eat. I have seen him after shifting, stir up a few worms and eat them as well.
I would hate to put the fish down if I can fix him. If it is worms, is there a fix all drug for internal worms?


Active Member
if hes eatin well i dont see any reason to put him down, but maybe its just a defect in his spine and he can still function and live fine with it. keep us posted