Golden headed sleeper goby


Active Member
I have a question regarding a fish that my wife and I recently purchased for her 29G (we have a back-up plan if the fish gets too big for the 29, we also have a 55).
I did some research on this fish and found COMPLETELY differing accounts regarding tank size, difficulty of care, compatability, etc... In regards to tank size, I saw anywhere from 20 gallon through 70 gallon (for maximum size fish, not for youngsters). I also found some sites that said they were "great beginner fish" and rated as an "easy" for care, while others stated that they were "difficult" to care for.
I know that some people say that you believe the research that you WANT to believe, but I honestly researched at least 5 different sites (all sell/ship fish) and found no consensus. question is, will this fish thrive in the 29G or will it eventually need to be moved to the 55G? So far, it has done wonderfully in the 29, sifting through the sand and also eating mysis and flakes. He has his burrow underneath the LR and comes out periodically throughout the day (especially in the evening) and appears to "socialize" with the 2 ocellaris and our Coral beauty. My wife loves him in her tank, but I want to make sure that the fish will be ok in the tank.
Any suggestions or info???


Active Member
i have heard they will starve in a small tank because they sift the sand for small crustations and a small tank will run out of food for them.


Active Member
often refuses to eat prepared food in which case it will starve without a large tank with live sand. If eating prepared it can be placed in a smaller tank but 29gallons is just too small. Ideally or for a full grown specimen you want a large tank 100g+ (think larger for one thats not eating prepared) but if its eating prepared and its 3-4" instead of a full grown 6-7" you can get by with the 55g for a while.


Active Member
As long as he is eating food that you are droping in there is nothing to worry about. He will be fine as long as he is eating. It would be a problem if he was only sifting for food and not taking in what you are giving him.


I have one that I have had for about 1.5 yrs now. He started in a 24 gallon and is now in a 90 gallon. He sifts the sand constantly, but will also eat any frozens I put in there and flakes sometimes. I have not had any problems at all with them. I would just make sure that he always get some of the food you put in.


Active Member
I feel a little better now. I just wish that all of the different research sites would have at least SIMILAR information. After the short time that I have been in this hobby, I have found out just how important research is, though the more that I do, the more confused I get.
Can anyone e-mail me with a good, reliable research site???