Golden Heart Triger to eat Red Mandarin ?


New Member
I have a 240G FOWLR TANK with several lovely fish,i recently introduced a golden heart triggerfish into my aquarium.within 1 day the ever so visable large (4 inches) red mandarin fish was missing ; is he hiding or perhaps was a victim of the GHT. Theres very little info as i was researching on GHT's and it varies.There is also very hard info and also limited information on this fish.
the GHT came from a 125 gallon tank and was with a purple tang,an emperor angelfish(just about adult/changing),a regal tang,a flame hawkfish, and a LMB.
He never displayed any aggressive behavior besides for being a bit of a bully and moving small to medium fiji rock, he was pretty tame for an aggressive triggerfish.5+ years i had this tank with no deaths and no blemishes on these fish and i got them all as juvenilles. the fish all thrives grew and posessed fabulous colors. (i think its lovely to watch your fish grow up,IMHO i find most aquarist like to buy big fish in the beginning to a fault where the pleasure is watching and caring for smaller fish as they grow over the years)in the 125G tank he would get jump and sorta bite the glass when he sensed it was feeding time made a trigger like noise but all in all i wouldnt expect him to eat a mandarin.Now the red mandarin is missing and with 180 lb's of live rock and many caves in the 240G its very hard to find him i have many many caves. the 240G tank has a algae blenny and a scooter belenny and they are my fault i read recently thats drangonfish are not compatable with triggerfish yet i had a niger triggerfish in the 240 and they were fine for years. (granted a niger triggerfish is not that aggresive).it has been 1-2 days and since acclimation of the GHT to the 240 i have not seen the red mandarin. The GHT is closing in on 8 inches. as in almost 6 years he grew from 2 1/4 inches to 7 1/2 inches. any thoughts ?
Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member

Welcome to the site, I'm sure someone with knowledge will chime in. I don't know about the trigger but I know fish disappear for other reasons. Do you have any type of CUC, like serpent stars or brittles that would clean up any dead fish from the rocks for you?
I never had anything but a reef tank so I don’t know about the kind of fish you keep but surely you can keep some kind of CUC so you won't have to move all that rock if a fish goes MIA


New Member
in the 240G fowlr tank theres virtually no cuc, i have an excellent skimmer and a massive huge wet/dry filtriation system that keeps the tank very clean, i also have ascooter belenny that eats some of the fish dietrius.a star fish or crustation would surely be eatin by this GHT- even urchins. i have no detremential algae problems, just dont know what kind of cuc i can put in the 240g fowlr with the 2 non reef safe almost adult emperor angelfish and the GHT.