Golden puffer issue


shark bait

I have a golden puffer that is new to my tank. It will swim around and play in the rocks and also sit and breath really fast. However it will not eat, anything. Any one have one that eats? what do you feed it and how long did it take to eat. Water is good and he is the biggest fish in the tank by far 8" or so. Tank is quiet for now, no crazy fish in it. help!!
also how do i post a pic of it?


Active Member
I would try waving live ghost shrimp in front of it. I have always used crayfish in the store to get my golden puffers to eat when we get them in, but that makes them a little aggressive so I would try holding ghost shrimp in front of his face and try feeding him live black worms. Black worms worked when I got my puffer, but then again, he was no larger than an inch.
Good luck with your fish. They are sure a beautiful species of puffer.

shark bait

Awsome thanks. It was him or a mappa, and wow they are awsome. Will try it.


i used to have a golden. definalty my favorite fish. i have a guinea fowl now cause i cant get a golden here in alabama. i got my other one while i lived in so. cal. i hope u can get him to eat. they are great. here is a pic of my old one.



It might sound crazy, but I have a dog face puffer that has got to be one of the most finiky eaters there is.
Offer him a good ol' earth worm. Rinse it under cold water first - then feed it to him. Mine loves it.


In the short time I have a saltwater tank, I have lost 2 Harlequin Tusk fish and a purple tang, and my dog face puffer has survived when others didn't. thank god.
Puffers are pretty smart fish and seem to have a will to live. Give him some time.
I notice my puffer will eat like a hog and then go off his feed for a day or two. They key is to try not to feed him too much and then he will want to eat more regularly.
I sound like an authority on it - but I am far from it. I am still trying to get my little guy in to an even pattern for eating. Still learning about him.
Each fish is different and prefers different foods. Mine is very finiky. And I cater to it. Can't help it. They are too cute and luv him to much not to.
Keep us posted.

shark bait

how do i post a pic of him, he is awsome, and by far the most expensive fish in the tank, the next bug purchase is finding a dragon eel.