Golden rule for triggers


In the past, I never have had more than 2 triggers per tank (Niger + huma; Niger + bursa). In my 750g, I currently have a niger and a pink tail. I would like to add a clown trig + one other trigger. Is this this possible or will I have problems. We all know that any trigger has the propensity to snap and/or go postal on tankmates, but is there a golden rule. Also, if this is possible, what would go with the niger, pink tail, + clown?

crypt keeper

Active Member
From what I have seen and actually done Triggers get along for the most part when young. As they grow and have less space to move they get aggressive towards one another. It can still work but it becomes a hit o rmiss scenario. I personally think you should be fine in your 750 with X, Y, Z triggers. The clown however will go postal one day as we all know. Nigers and Blue Throats are supposed to be the more gently laid back tiggers.


As with any triggers is is sometimes a gamble mixing them but with a 750 gallon tank you will be fine with many many triggers in there.The 3 you are looking at will be just fine and you have alot more room to add a few more if you want also.

small triggers

Active Member
nigers, bluejaws, sargassum and crosshatch if you are going for the 4 combo,, the pinktail (since you already have it I am assuming its stying) is considered more aggressive than these, but i wouldnt think there would be a huge problem in that size tank as long as you didnt get them when they are full grow and they have time to get used to each other.


If I had a 750gal, I know for sure I'd have lots of triggers in there. Maybe 4 or 5, maybe even more.

crypt keeper

Active Member
750 gallons. Id get a niger, picasso, m/f pair sargassum, and a hawaiian black trigger for sure. Mix it up with a blueface, queen, and emperor angel then save up and buy a clarion. That is my dream tank and it will happen. Id go longer on the tank and not as deep. Bioneck swimming in his tank made my day but Id hate to have to clean that tank since triggers and snails dont exist well in our tanks.


The golden rule is not to add a clown trigger to the mix. I'd try the less aggressive as stated above, but as they get bigger they will become more aggressive. My most aggressive is my black durgeon trigger, probably because of his size.
Any pics of your tank?


ive owned several triggers in my sw hobby. and one of them was the clown trig. do not add it if you are considering other triggers. mine was definitely the alpha in the tank and made sure of it. i was always worried for the other tank mates eventhough he was a few inches smaller then the rest. you are taking a chance with a clown. if you do decide to get one, make sure it is teeny tiny. it is by far probably the second most aggressive trig next to the undulate


Active Member
I break Triggers down by a 1-5 Aggression Scale
1-Xanthichthys family...Sargassum, Bluejaw, Crosshatch, Goldback...These are a pretty safe bet by Trigger Standards.
2-Black Hawaiian, Indian, Pinktail, and the not so common Sufflamen family (Lei, Halfmoon, etc.)...A little more risky, but not too bad
3-Niger, Huma, Rectangle Huma, Assasi, Starry....Starting to get more risky
4-Clown, Bursa, I haven't been brave enough to try one yet
5-Undulate, Queen, Blueline, Titan, Goldenheart (Goldenheart is pretty new to the hobby, and a lot of people finding less aggressive than Queen)....Do not play well with others.
All triggers belong with fish capable of defending themselves in my opinion, my Sargassum is a great fish, but he is not exactly a Goby either, he is the only fish in my tank to stand up to my Sohal ever.
On to your specific question....
IMO, your Niger and Pinktail can handle themselves with a Clown just fine, what other fish do you have though? Most other fish would be in danger with a Clown as he ages, about the only fish I have seen stand up to a Clown Trigger are big Acanthurus Tangs (like Sohal) and a Passer Angel.


I have 2 golden rules when it comes to triggers...
1. The bigger they grow the more agressive they get.
2. The smaller the tank, the more agressive they are.
So take the agression scale, then factor in these two rules and you'll know the outcome.

small triggers

Active Member
My only rule for triggers is the more the merrier, as long as you have the room. I think about 1 sq foot of space per inch of trigger at the least.