goldfish liberation


im a highschool student and in biology we are studying the circulatory system. So my teacher had the wonderful idea of buying live goldfish and having students dip it in different water temps to see what it does to the heart rate. Me and a few other fish loving pals were able to smuggle a few home, but the rest (approx. 50) are in about 4 gallons of water. the teachers excuse is "we're saving them from being eaten" but then i asked what he was going to do with them all after we are done and he said "flush them". I convinced him to let me have the survivors next friday, but i dont think they're going to live through another week of testing.
save the fish!


Active Member
Well, I am afraid that it is a standard biology lesson to learn about lethal limits. So it is probably not a subject to study later on. :)
However, his response about flushing them was cruel and unnecessary. I am sure you can find homes for them, or arrange to return them to the store.