Gonipora dying


So i got a colony of some green gonipora. When i first got it, it expanded all the way out all the time. Then over a period of a few months it slowly started to not come out untill it didnt come out at all. Some one mentioned adding iodine. I did this with no help. I then heard higher lighting so I upgraded to a 250watt mh. THis is a 33 gallon long with a 6 gallon fuge in case you wanted to know. The previous lighting was a 96 watt pc. My water tested as Nitrites 0, Nitrates 0, Ammonia 0, and all the other things you can test for are also good. The lighting still helped none. I have now been spot feeding it phytoplankton with still no results. It had rings of die off on it now and im really worried. About 1/3 of it looks dead now and i dont know what to do. can some one help me?


New Member
I have had one for about 6 mos. and over half of it has died. I just put in a bigger tank about 2 weeks ago and it seems to be recovering a little bit. Very hard coral to keep. I have read that some iron helps but I didnt see a diffrence. It was the first coral I bought and I didnt know what I was getting i just knew it looked cool. Sorry I cant help anymore Im still new at this.


Feeding your Goniopora
In just the past two years we have seen the introduction into the hobby of several very exciting new small-particle-sized foods with good nutrient profiles. These include Cyclop-eeze, Hikari Frozen Rotifers, and DT's Oyster Eggs. The design of plankton-friendly systems, proper coral husbandry in terms of water conditions, and the direct feeding of these quality foods will help insure long term success.


hey dfrick sounds like me and you are alot alike. This was my first coral to. Ill try to keep feeding it but it sounds like its on its way to doom.

john kelly

Originally Posted by mdog30001
It had rings of die off on it now and im really worried. About 1/3 of it looks dead now and i dont know what to do. can some one help me?
Does the coral look bright fluorescent green?
Are the rings of die off on or near the top of the coral?


we have a gonipora that is about 1 year old and doing very well. we have i place high in the thank and we feed the frozen rotifers coral food 3 times a week. it is also in a medium to high flow location. we have strong MH 250 watts 20,000 K I have also spot feed mine with a mixture of marine snow and live brine, and amazingly that coral actually eats.