Gonna go fishin in my tank (sorry peeps, I can't keep it in any longer)


Sorry everyone... But I just cannot help myself..
Do people really "Go Fishin" in their own tank???? Although I think this is totally absurd & honestly thought the person who said "I tried everything including the hook" Was kidding, some responses lead me to believe this really happens?????
I am sorry... But I am stupefied..... Even worse.......
I am now stuck to my dying day with the image of some guy, sitting in front of his tank, lights up & sunglasses on........... Parked on a barstool for leverage, A beer in one hand & fishing pole in the other..... ((Shudder))
I hope my boys never find this kind of post.... The last thing I need now is 2 teenage boys & their friends thinking this would be entertaining.....
Running to hide the booze now.......


Active Member
birdmom said:
I am now stuck to my dying day with the image of some guy, sitting in front of his tank, lights up & sunglasses on........... Parked on a barstool for leverage, A beer in one hand & fishing pole in the other..... ((Shudder))


Before my old tank crashed.. I had a Damselfish that beat the crap out of everything in my tank.. My leather would never open.. picked on my acropora.. and the other fish lived in terror.. I took half my reef down tring to catch him with no luck.. I got the bright idea one day of catching him in this way.. I knew he was so aggressive no other fish would hardly come out at feeding time for fear of a smack down.. so I went to wal-mart and got the smallest hooks they had and some line..
It worked.. I know it sounds mean but it was either him or watching him rip every fin my other poor fish had to shreds


Hooks and line is a whole easier than using explosives to get problem fish out,, less expensive to,,,,lol


I know.. I felt really bad about doing it.. But I had some really nice and expensive stuff a 5$ fish was really bothering


Active Member
If you have not kept a lot of fish, in large tanks, you may not see why this is reasonable. If you have, then you know that it can be far faster, far less stressful and far more productive than other means of catching fish. Again, if done with a barbless hook it can be extremely effective.
Why stress all fish by chasing them around the tank? Why risk crashing the tank by moving all your rock, etc? There are people who are better with this skill than others, but believe me...I have seen how quick, efficient and pretty unstressful this can be relative to other means. Perhaps when you are desperate to get a fish out, and are faced with this option versus taking down the whole dang tank...it may seem more reasonable to try!

tx reef

Active Member
Catching a fish in a fully stocked reef aquarium with a hook is the only way to go. I tried it (unsuccessfully). My Tang didn't want anything to do with it. I ended up tearing down the whole tank (5 hours) and everything lived, though I do have a couple of rare SPS corals that bleached in a couple of places. They are recovering and will be fine, but I will never tear down my tank again to catch a fish. I will catch it with a hook no matter how long it takes.

who dey

Active Member
which is more cruel a hook, :thinking: or the cyanide some fish may encounter on the journey from the ocean to our tanks??


This may be a dumb question, course I am blond, but do you put like a piece of krill of something on the barbless hook?
I have a 3 spot domino that may have to go someday, he is getting huge and right now he is picking on my new hawk fish. Tony Hawks can get into some little places, so not to worried about him, but I want to add another tang down the road and may have to do some drastic measures. So Fats Domino may just have to go back to the LFS. And if I can't catch him I might have to use the hook or by crook method.
I have done a LOT of ocean fishing, but the hooks for them halibut are a might to big for the domino. :hilarious


Active Member
haha. yes they would be. but you can get some really small hooks that would work great with a little piece of krill on the end. even chumming for them. put in a bunch of peice of food and wait until the culprit takes yours. if any other fish come up tot ake it jsut make sure to jig it out of the way


Active Member
There are some posts around here of people offering up bottle ideas to get them out. Even commercially made traps.


Originally Posted by EmeralCrab
So Fats Domino may just have to go back to the LFS.
Fats Domino...that's awesome.