Good ? about pair of small perc clownfish


HEYYYY AGAIN. I have a great ? ive been wanting to know for a wile. I got rid of my marroon clownfish
now my tank is empty. Nothing in it besides coral and a cleaner shrimp. Im going to go today to the fish store and buy a pair of small perc clown fish. Mabey just a inch or little less. B4 i go buy them I was wondering do they host corals when they are this small. Like I said i have a big frogspawn in there. Near the top where it gets very good light. It has 4 heads and every head opens huge so it makes it look like 1 big ball but ya i want them to host that the most. O ya 4 got to mention will to much flow kill them sence there so small?
thanxs Aaron Soliz


Active Member
The might host it right away, or they might host it in a couple years, just depends on the clowns. As long as the clowns can swim right they there isnt too much flow

reef diver

Active Member
They will not be a true "pair" until they mature, but if they are wild, yes they may host corals, but tank bred, it is really iffy.


Active Member
My false perc pair are being hosted by my fuzzy green mushrooms...but that took about a year and a half to happen...they're tank bred...
Lisa :happyfish
