Good amount of flow?


What would be a good amount of flow for a 55 gallon tank. I have a pump that is pumping about 1,000 GPH out of four returns. I am looking to add some additional power heads to the tank. I really like the koralia power heads, how many of these and at what ratings would be good for a tank of my size. I would like to get a wave maker controller at one point to hook up the power heads to, but I will have to wait a little while for that.
Thanks in advance for the advice.

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by matt2364
What would be a good amount of flow for a 55 gallon tank. I have a pump that is pumping about 1,000 GPH out of four returns. I am looking to add some additional power heads to the tank. I really like the koralia power heads, how many of these and at what ratings would be good for a tank of my size. I would like to get a wave maker controller at one point to hook up the power heads to, but I will have to wait a little while for that.
Thanks in advance for the advice.
Personally, I would consider a couple #1 for dead spots or perhaps a #1 and a #2. Either would give you a little over 20X turnover. Of couse you probably have to discount a little for head height on the return pump, so you might want to consider 3, #1 or 2, #2. JMO


I re-checked the specs on the pump. It should be getting around 1,100GPH when head is calculated in. I am thinking about getting two of the #2's and putting them in opposite corners. Does this sound like good placement?


Active Member
Originally Posted by matt2364
I re-checked the specs on the pump. It should be getting around 1,100GPH when head is calculated in. I am thinking about getting two of the #2's and putting them in opposite corners. Does this sound like good placement?
thats the same position that I had when I got my first powerheads. What I would do is put them on opposite side of the tank but put one further to one side and the other further to the other side of the side of the tank that way there is flow going to the front and back instead of just the front.

scopus tang

Active Member
Also make sure that one is aggitating but not breaking the surface of the water in your tank. Will prevent the formation of a slime coating on the surface of the water.


Active Member
I have a couple of #2's and a couple of nanos and had to play around with them to get the flow just where I wanted it in my 55. The #2' are on oppisite ends and the nanoa do "spot" flow work.
Your coral placement will help determine just where you end up placing your new powerheads.