Good? Bad? Ugly!


So, I think it might be a tiger tail cucumber. But, too light compared to other pics I've seen. What's your thought?
PS-I like the new format. :D



Active Member
It is not a tiger tail, but it doesn't have filter tentacles, so it is definately a detrivore. This means it is a good cucumber for your tank. Unfortunately your gravel in the pic looks too big for it. It can possible starve if you keep it in that tank.
edit- Yes, upon second viewing of your gravel, that cuke is going to starve in there.


hey pelena i agree with mud. you need more sand. i got the same guy in my tank. sand goes in,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,sand comes out. he gets the algae off of my glass too.(but only at night.........i caught him with my flashlight)