good base rock?


WHat is a good baserock to use? I am assembeling a 125gal tank and plan to keep it FOWLR I was going to start with about 50lb of premium fiji but I suppose I would need more rock then that so the tank doenst look empty. I am also having a problem findingout how big 50lb of fiji rock is??? Is this a dense heavy rock so its going to be like one piece thats 6"x6" or is it going to be big pieces?? any description of a typical 50lb box from this site would be appreciated.


i bought fiji lr from my lfs and i got two good sized peices and the wt was like 11 lbs.i hope this helps you out some.:happy:


For 55# I recieved 3 big pieces, about the size of a football and 4 or 5 pieces about half that. I think my tank looks right with 200# total. Not too full and not too empty.


good base rock would be
1. old coral reef rock. this looks kind of like a rock made of a bees honey comb
2. lace rock. this is like normal rock that has been in the ocean and now is dried out and dead
3. tufa. this stuff almost looks like number one but doesnt have the honey comb pattern. its just a whiteish looking rock
those are the three most popular out there. there are others out there but most people use them. i have all three in my tank and i bought them from $2 a lb.