good coral for an 8g bio


I already have a piece of LR with about 5 or 6 blue mushrooms on it... I was wondering if the tank is too small for another piece of coral. Something easy, and something that my lights will be good for. (36w PC - 18w 10k, 18w act)
Tank inhabitants are - fire shrimp, oscellaris clown (false) (1.5inches), conch (2 inches) and a turbo snail. (surpisingly those too are not starving! by the amount of poo the snail pumps out daily... OMG!!!)
Anyways... whats a good coral that wouldn't go crazy, but be able to grow in my tank. I really like frogspawn, but that's definitely not 8g coral!


Active Member
im not an expert but some zoas, gsp yelow polyps maybe. the gsp might grow alot but i got a few zoas from nissan for real cheap


zoas are my favorite. they come in the coolest colors and you can by frags and grow them pretty quickly. i have a couple ricordias that seem to be doing ok also. mushrooms are awesome to watch expand and retract daily and are very safe. go to your LFS and get shrooms so you make sure to get some cool ones!!!