Good coral for nano tanks


New Member
Could some one tell me what would be some good coral for a 6 gallon nano with minimum lighting and easy enough for a beginner? Thanks


Active Member
mushrooms, maybe even rics, a full out ricordia tank would be awesome.
and zoos, but i dont like them. I like frogspawns... hammers... stuff like that, but a ric tank would be sweet.


Active Member
well i just got some zoos, a muchroom ric and gsp..they doing great after a day inside my tank. the rics i got are soo small..


Active Member
wish my lfs had huge ric's..they only have tiny ones about the size of dollar coins..
Natedog...what kind of lights do u have.


Originally Posted by aquaguy24
wish my lfs had huge ric's..they only have tiny ones about the size of dollar coins..
Natedog...what kind of lights do u have.
jeez, how big would you like your rics to be, 4-5 inches accross?!? j/k
i would get mushrooms. i love 'em and they are very hardy. GSP is also good for guests, turn up the actinics and all they will say is WOW


Active Member
Originally Posted by Natedog
Could some one tell me what would be some good coral for a 6 gallon nano with minimum lighting and easy enough for a beginner? Thanks
green star polyps are also nice. Are you using the eclipse 6 gallon?


Originally Posted by Natedog
Could some one tell me what would be some good coral for a 6 gallon nano with minimum lighting and easy enough for a beginner? Thanks
hey nate where do u live i think i might know u


Active Member
Originally Posted by Natedog
yes 6 gallon eclipse with 12" 8 watt coral inhancing lights.
The lights on that tank aren't that great for coral, so if anything I would stick to mushrooms.