good coral??


my friend's dad has some colt coral spreading like wildfire in his tank and asked me if i wanted to get some. I dont know if i have enough lighting and/or if the coral is compatible with my tank
i have 260 watts of "corallife power compact" lights in a 75 gal. tank
i have:
maroon clown
ember blenny
yellowtail damsel
coral beauty angel
2 cleaner shrimp
red bubble tip anenome
will everything get with the addition of the colt in this tank
also: are colt corals really poisonous if you touch them?


Active Member
They are not poisonous, and your lighting is fine for colts. They are really hearty if you give them decent flow.


Active Member
The colt coral will be fine. The Bubble Tip Anemone, on the other hand will probably not fair too well under those lights in the long run.
With your powercompacts you can keep any softies, zoanthids, mushrooms, leathers, Xenia, Colt Coral, Kenya Tree, as well as most LPS such as frogspawn, Torch Coral, Hammer Corals, Trumpets, etc...
You can pretty much keep anything except Clams, SPS, and Anemones.