Good deal on Wet/Dry and Overflow

sal t. nutz

I worked a deal with a guy off ----, who has agreed to sell Wet/Dry's with overflows for $49 for the wet/dry and $40 for the overflow. That is a great deal. Here is pics of both. I am buying one now, and I told him I would post here for anyone else that wants in on this deal.

You can email him direct at
They also carry a 1 year warranty.

sal t. nutz

By the way, the demensions are 24x9x16 which should be rated for up to a 175 gallon tank, judging by my LFS Wet/Dry of the same demensions. And he claims the overflow flow rate is 600 GPH, but I am not positive that he is correct on that, I guess I will see when I get it.