good enough for anemones??


I have a 55 gallon 48" long tank. I need to upgrade my lighting so I can buy anemones and corals. I was thinking a Nova Extreme T-5 lighting. The light comes with 4, 54 watt T-5 bulbs for a total of 216 watts. The lighting also comes with a parabolic reflector. Would this quality of light be good enough for anemones and soft corals?? Thanks for the help!


Active Member
Originally Posted by JThomas0385
I have a 55 gallon 48" long tank. I need to upgrade my lighting so I can buy anemones and corals. I was thinking a Nova Extreme T-5 lighting. The light comes with 4, 54 watt T-5 bulbs for a total of 216 watts. The lighting also comes with a parabolic reflector. Would this quality of light be good enough for anemones and soft corals?? Thanks for the help!

Depends on what type of anemone. IMO Absolutely a bubble tip, but there are other higher light demanding anemones that probably wouldnt do well.


Active Member
yes i hv kept my bta under that light for 6 months b4 upgrading to another light bc of clams.