Good False Perc Anemone


I was just curious what a good anemone for a pair of False Perc's would be? I bought a BTA before I got the clown's not realizing that they tend not to be a good host because of the more powerful sting. I was just curious what would be a good host for them?


Active Member
Ocellaris clowns can tend to a BTA . A BTA is not a natural host but they sometimes will accept it . Clownfish don`t feel the anemone`s sting .


Ok, the LFS said that the BTA has too strong of a sting for the clown and that it prolly wouldn't take to it.
I have been watching them for the past 2 hours now and my female seems to be slowly warming up to it. In the beginning of the 2 hours she kept swimming by the anemone every 5ish minutes and now about every 5-10 minutes she seems to be going farther and farther into the tentacles.
The male seems to keep to himself on the other side of the tank unless the female comes over by him then he swims with her and does his twitching.
Do you think that if the female takes to the anemone that the male will join her?


Active Member
It depends on the fish , if she is showing interest this early it is a good chance . It can take months for clowns to accept an anemone , so give it some time .


Alright, I just added them friday and they never hid or anything they just started swimming right away and ate the very first time I fed them. They seemed to instantly call my tank home from the second they were introduced. The only thing that seems to freak them out is when I turn the light off, then they both dart to the same corner.


Active Member
i know carpet and bubble tips are good. i knwo that carpet anemones are the most commonly acepted, so i've read. i wanted to get one but was told it would be too big and grow too fast for my 18g.
i would personally get a carpet if your BTA doesn't work out.
but i have mine hosted in a little plant pot right now, he is doing great and acts like he really likes it. pots are kind of a nice ittle cozy home, if i was a clown, i would probably think so atleast.


Active Member
"carpet anemones are the most commonly acepted"
Heteractis magnifica and Stichodactyla gigantea are the only two that you are referring to .
Carpet anemones are harder to keep and require strong light and medium to high water flow . I do not recommend getting one until you have more experience and succeed with other anemones IMO .


I would like it if I didn't have to get another one because I want to put corals in and I don't want to have to worry about the anemones killing them off. I will watch them for the next few weeks though and see what happens.