Good Fish List FOr 20?? FOWLR


hi i was wondering if this was a good fish list for a fish list for a 20 gallon:
1 black perc
1 pygmy angel
1-2 purple firefish goby
1 cc star
its gonna be FOWLR and some fake corals MAYBE.
any comments or opinions are appreciated


Active Member
everything sounds good but the angel i think they need a biggger tank than that
HTH sorry,


and what do you think about an undergravel filter? i read this one book: THe Conscientious Marine Aquarist which was recommended to me by about 5 people and in that book it says that the undergravel is a good idea. but on these boards everyone is against them???:confused: :notsure:


Active Member
actually for a 20 i would go with a penguin biowheel i have one i can sell to you i know it sounds like im just saying they are good so youll buy one but really they are good


could u post a pic if possible and some more information.
also i have a question on a 1.5 gallon tank i have. i was wondering if that is even big enough to put just a coudple of shrimp snail or other inverts in. or dare i say it: a tiny fish?


for my 20 gallon I THINK that i am set for all equipment except for protein skimmer and maybe filter (not sure if the current filter i have is good enough)


Active Member
hey sorry to get back to you so late ill sell it to you for 30.00 at the store it is 70.00+ ill sell for 30 you pay shipping???


my zip code is 60047
ok looks good but im gonna have to think about it for a day or 2? how would we work out the payment method? do u have any info on it? and is it in good condition? could u at least guarantee me that it will work?
i might not be on 2morrow b/c i got to go 2 a christmas party and the next day is christmas so i probably wont be on then so ill get back to u asap


Active Member
either money order or cashiers check if it isnt in good condition i will give you money back and you can keep it:yes:


it is my old freshwater one. if i keep it i know i will have to clean it out and get another one to be good enough for sw. it is a mini whisper and is supposed to be used 1 of them for evry 10 gallons. keep me posted on the filter situation thnx