Good light for 55g reef

Hello everyone. I was wondering what a good light around the 200.00 range was for my tank? I currenty run a 36" current pc light. Moving everything over soon, just wondering what ya'll thought. LFS said a Nova extreme was good. The other LFS said the coralife two tube bulb system? I don't remember what the wattage was on it. They are just trying to sell the stock they have... What do ya'll recommend?
Something else! Would I be better off with two 24" fixtures or would one 48" be the way to go? I have a cross brace on top.
Has anyone every tried t-5 on one side and Floresent on the other?


I second the NOVA extreme suggestion! Go with 1 48" rather than 2 24" strips unless you have a ton of extra power outlets. All of the NOVA fixtures are pretty good once you replace the bulbs. What types of corals are you wanting to keep? If you ever planned on switching to MH lighting I would suggest you just save your cash and buy it rather than replacing another light fixture (I speak from personal exp). Good luck to ya

I would highly steer you away from a 2 bulb setup. Its light output is pathetic compared to a 4 or 6 bulb fixture.


Originally Posted by moprint
For $200 google 48" Solar T5. It can be bought for $179. That is with legs and bulbs.
I would be cautious about the off-brand stuff. According to the manufacturer their
"Exclusively on all our T5 fixtures we now use the HIGHEST QUALITY ADVANCE BALLAST. These ballast are excellent for the T5 lightbulbs."
Really doesn't sound convincing now does it? If I was using a well known quality ballast in my products I would tell you more than (above).
Don't take anything personally thats just my $0.02