Good light Schedule??


i am putting timers on my lights today, i will have a timer for each individual halide (3) then i have my actinics and moonlights, i want the center halide to come on before the 2 outer then when they go off the center off first. what times should i start the cycle and how long to run them?? can i get some of other people light scedules to base mine off of please. thanx- Tony


I run my MH from noon to 8pm. Then Moonlights from 8pm to 6am. then nothing until noon because it's in a room that has windows.


Active Member
I'm acclimating my tank to halides. I had the CF lights going from 1:00 pm - 10:00 pm and the moon lights from 10:00 pm - 2:00 am. Not sure exactly what I will doing with the halides. Probably something like 12:00 - 8:00 then swicth to CFs until 10 and then the monnlights.

nm reef

Active Member
In general a schedule that replecates a dawn/dusk effect......about 10-12 hours total...that fits your desirable viewing time...and is consistent.
I rum 2x110 watt VHO actinics from 10AM until 10PM...with 2x400 watt 10K MH's from 11:30 AM until 8:00PM.....hope that helps.