good lights?


Active Member
Well, you are talking about T5 lighting system. I was using this system for about a year and have recently switched to Metal Halides. With T5 fluorescent lights i got nice results growing SPS corals, and my friends even clams. The reason i switched to MH was very simple one of my friends sold me his DIY 250 watts MH fixture for very cheap and at the same time i found buyer for my T5's (white bulbs). Thed problem of fluoriscent lighting is that it's static light, like "DEAD". MH is point source light and adds (exept its intensity) beautiful glitter lines, so that your tank becomes "LIVE".
I still run two T5 actinics (or as they say 20 000K) bulbs and i love how the tank looks with MH lights.
P.S. go with MH is your finances can allow that. Go with T5's and your corals still be happy and thriving.