Good Liverock going bad ??????????

I live 5 minutes away from a great on-line live rock supplier. They took over an hour helping me find the 49.5 lbs of rock I bought for my 46 gal tank. My problem is that my once dark purple areas on my rocks are being slowly covered by a light kinda lime/green color on some areas and white colored on some and a deep red on others.
This is my first Salt water adventure so still very unsure of what is what, to help here is my set up. 46gal bowfront, 96watt PC
lighting, 3.5 in L/S 49.5 lbs LR Cpr Bak Pak2r Skimmer Lights are on timer from 10:00am to 10:00 pm my readings are Nitrates 05, Nitrites 0, Ammonia 0 PH 7.9 1 Coral Beauty 1 Tomato Clown I Antennata 1 Naso 1Dwarf Cleaner Wrasse 1 Firefish 1 Bubbletipped anemone 12 snails 2 horeshoe crabs. any advice is appreciated :confused:


stop your worrying. if this is a new tank, it may me part of the establishing process. your plentitude of turbo snails and scarlet hermit crabs should take care of the problem. (you should have at least 15 snails and 10 scarlet or blue legged hermit crabs, at the least)
their goal in life is to make that crappy green algae go away. also.... if your calcium is at a good level, then your purple coraline algae will take over the tank. (you want this to happen)(good lighting is important)
in addition, (everyone will tell you this on this site)
check your ammonia (you should have absolutely none)
check your nitrites (you should have absolutely none)
check your nitrates (you can have them only in SMALL amounts or none)
good luck
email me if you have more questions
[ May 24, 2001: Message edited by: otto13 ]
[ May 24, 2001: Message edited by: otto13 ]


Have you check your phosphate? They could be the cause of your green slim. Are you using RO or DI water? If you are using tap water, it could be the source of the phospates. However, you can correct this with a phospate sponge, a switch to DI or RO water. Do you have a clean-up crew? (I can not rememeber from your post.) Decreased light length for a little while and time. If this is the cause it will just take a little time and work to get rid of it.
Good luck,