Good News !


Well I received a report from home this evening about our 2 Clarkiis. I'm in Dallas right now and prior to leaving I had to separate them, but was only able to screen the smaller off from the larger in the same tank. Apparently the youngest son called Mom at work today: "Is the big clown supposed to be on the same side as the small one?":hilarious Of course the answer was no, but there was no way for him to try and sep. again, so she told him to just move the screen to let them roam free once again. It seems they may be getting along again. Cant wait to get home to see it for myself, hopefully everything will be at peace on the reef again. I've been considering starting a new tank because of this, now maybe I wont have to spend my tax return on it. I'll post an update when I get home tomorrow. Wish us and the fish luck!


Good luck with the fish...maybe everything will ge ok after all!
Thats some real dedication....taking your tax return to set up a seperate tank just for 1 fish! Its beautiful.


He's just the cutest thing and we just want to keep him so bad. We just love his spot, hence his name. And hes a tough little guy, survived at a ***** for a while before we broke down and bought him, survived the first round of bullying and it looks like hes going to be fine after round two (with a little help from us). Of course there would've been other fish in his tank, only bad fish go to solitary. Heres a pic of my little man.


Well, I'm back home and I could just about cry. They're getting along okay for the most part, I'm overjoyed. Not that starting a new tank wouldnt be fun, but this is more of what I wanted. Right now Spot is sticking to "his" side of the tank and is willing to defend it. There hasnt been any serious aggression from either other than a short chase or the tail wag. Its only been 2 days of them swimming "together", so I feel that Spot will become more adventurous as time goes on. There may even be a possibility of him hosting in a patch of hairy shrooms, but that remains to be seen. And, btw, the new BTA looks awesome today. I'm going to try to post some pics later (or sooner, I'm so excited) :jumping:


Thank you. So far, day 3 seems to be much the same as yesterday. I hope things will continue to progress in the right direction. Still a little nervous about the whole thing esp. since I'm leaving town again tomorrow and will only be back briefly on Thurs./Fri. to turn around and leave again for an entire week.


Active Member
Thats great! :joy:. I had the same problem you did, but with sebaes. 1st round was bad. Removed the new one and placed in a seperate tank for a few months. Then I tried again, against my better judgement. The orginal kept the other in its place for weeks, as "she" ruled the tank! Poor guy couldnt move more than a few inches and she was bullying, but no fighting this time. A few weeks later they were "dancing" and needless to say, the original is definately the female and both now host a frogspawn or at least guard it together. :joy: