Good or bad idea?


Is there any harm if i had a FOWLR setup to keep my main tank levels at 1.009 SG all the time?
i have a porky puffer and bursa trigger and nothing else but rocks and sand.
would this work and if so would it relieve the fish from stress and some diseases?
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Not a good idea in my opinion. First of all, anything less than 1.009 can be fatal. That would be like standing on the edge of a cliff at all times. One slip and your fish are dead.
I have heard of people keeping their gravity slightly lower to make osmoregulation easier for the fish. I would not lower it beyond 1.018 though.
Proper care and quarantine procedures should keep you free from parasites and disease.
Mother Nature knows best, I see no reason not to duplicate natural sea levels.

nm reef

Active Member
Not a good idea at my opinion.
It would be much better to keep your water closer to NSW..."natural saltwater"...for fish only I stay at or above 1.019 and for reef systems the range can go as high as 1.026....a specific gravity of 1.009 can cause problems for fish.