Good or bad worm?


New Member
I found a odd worm haning out in my small Xenia frag today, the coral was looking kinds PO'ed that it was there... So I pulled the piece out and removed the worm. I would just like to know what kind of worm it is. The picture may look like a bristle worm but I promise you it's not, I know them since I have TONS in my tank.
To help ID the worm is about 2 inches long when fully extended, it's probably no more than an 16th of an inch wide at most. It was purple in color before I messed with it, and has a foot and a single "antenna" coming from each segment. The head does have kind of a protruding snout. The head is at the bottom of the picture, and the small piece is a part of the tail that ripped off.
Thanks for the ID.


Active Member
looks to be a type of bristleworm , most likely ampharete sp. these do eat corals when over 4 inches in length or so


New Member
Hmmm well I guess I don't feel too bad then for removing it. My Xenia is much much happier without it there...


New Member
syllidae I believe. From the description it sounds like I made the right choice. besides that my Xenia is very happy and spreading.
Thanks for the site link I will be using that a lot.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cmslick3
The Xenia being in the tank, or removing the worm?
Maybe both... I would keep the Xenia out of your main rockwork because given the right conditions it can really overgrow a tank. Its your call though. No idea on the worm, but when in doubt I say flush it.