good or bad


Active Member
i have what looks like little hairs all over my lr it is in big clumps in some places what is it and is it ok also what are bad colors on lr, i have lots of purple and a little green and even white


i've noticed some hairs on mine too. mind boggling, can't figure what they could be. as far as colors go, the more the better. just different species of coralline algae (good things) ;)

kris walker

Active Member
Just guessing here. Hairs could be hair algae, tiny worm-like living creatures preying on plankton, or mucous excreted by a coral of some sort (my bubble squirts our little red strings of poop).


Purple is a good color on rock. any color is a good color on rock....except maybe white.. you probably exposed the coraline algae to air..


yeah, gotta watch the greens too. i just noticed some green patches on the back of my glass. it's in the shape of coralline, not the other green kind (got some of that at times too). it's more like a light green, almost neon green.